VK Fox

Urban Fantasy + Romance + Goosebumps

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Love From My Fans

The reason I write is to share excitement and joy with you and there are so many cool ways you guys make me smile. Thanks for that πŸ™‚

If you’re here because you love my books and want to help make more, come hang out at

The Fox Den: my creative reading group on Facebook!

This is an awesome little club for my beta readers, fans, and anyone who wants more of my flavor of books in the world!


There is now a Words of Power Fan Wiki!

Have a theory about a link I never come out and confirm (ahem… Megan?) Do you have any idea what urban legend Morty came from? What did Lovecraft’s note say in Lapine, anyway? Go!! Add your details, guesses, and questions while geeking out with other people who loved this series!



You’ve heard on Elf on the Shelf now get ready for Golem…. something that rhymes with golem?

Tupperware in There? I haven’t nailed down the name yet but one of my readers made me a replica Tupperware golem and it is amazing! It traveled with me to Vegas and helped hand out cookies at my book sale. I have big plans for Elf on the Shelf style photos to share with you all this holiday season. I’ve had several people ask about more stories for the Tupperware golem and I’d like to do some because I think this little critter has more evil fighting awesomeness left in him. Or maybe those are left over cookies. Either way, here he is in all his glory.